This is a locomotion animation system created in UE5 for a personal project based on the gameplay of Death's Door.
Both the Start and Stop states contain a blendspace that varies the animation based on the speed of the player character. This means the Start/Stop animations transition more seamlessly into Movement/Idle.
Both the Start and Stop states contain a blendspace that varies the animation based on the speed of the player character. This means the Start/Stop animations transition more seamlessly into Movement/Idle.
Both the Walk/Run state and Sprint state contain blendspaces for applying a lean to the character when they are turning. The Walk/Run blendspace also blends between a walk cycle and run cycle based on the character's current speed.
Both the Walk/Run state and Sprint state contain blendspaces for applying a lean to the character when they are turning. The Walk/Run blendspace also blends between a walk cycle and run cycle based on the character's current speed.
The dodge roll animation utilises a montage which is called directly from the character controller blueprint.
To determine the amount of leaning applied to the character, a 'Lean Angle' value is calculated every frame based on the speed at which the character is rotating.
Software: Maya, UE5 Type: Personal Work Year: 2023